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  • "Listening to the Cracks" is a research project that explores the often-inaudible sounds of urban nature. Together with Matthias Hurtl and Yoana Buzova, participants will engage in a listening session in Gouwplein, Oud-Charlois, to uncover voices and frequencies that are typically overlooked or dismissed as nuisances.

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    This workshop is a point of entry into a broader discussion looking towards new tech that is making it ever more simple and accessible to 'capture nature in a single click'. During the workshop we will explore digital conservation techniques and their impact, while considering how digital conservation techniques might shape the future landscape.

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    Common Dirt is an ongoing series of events organized by Varia, in which we take a critical look at the cross-connections between biology and technology in Rotterdam. During this summer excursion we will investigate the workings behind identification apps, such as ObsIdentify and Pl@ntNet. We will start in the garden of het O'tje, next to Attent.

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