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  • Varia prints SomeTimes
    Published at 22 April 2022

    Starting from today, Varia will print all the news that can fit in SomeTimes.

    SomeTimes contains a collection of posts about things we have done, are doing now – learning, reading, making, researching – and stuff that will happen soon. Some of the news is from public moments, while other news comes from behind the scenes. It is networked news from a variety of web sources, the urls in the "from" can tell you more.

    The first edition includes the following sources: Varia's website, Post.lurk.org #sometimes, Post.lurk.org #varia, various logbot logs (x-y, ATNOFS, pub.club)

    You can add content to SomeTimes by tagging posts with #sometimes or #varia on Mastodon, we're looking forward to seeing your posts in print.

    Get your copy in Varia, or download the first issue of SomeTimes here: https://varia.zone/documents/SomeTimes_number-1.pdf


    Issue: 1
    Date: February - April 2022
    Editor/designers: Varia's communication group
    Tools: Multifeeder (https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/multifeeder), octomode (https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/octomode), Paged.js
    Fonts: Times New Roman, Ductus by Amélie Dumont, AllCon Dots by Simon Browne
    Sources: Varia's website, Post.lurk.org #sometimes, Post.lurk.org #varia, various logbot logs (x-y, ATNOFS, pub.club)
    License: All content with the exception of posts from https://post.lurk.org/ are licensed under CC4r https://gitlab.constantvzw.org/unbound/cc4r: The CC4r articulates conditions for re-using authored materials. This document is inspired by the principles of Free Culture – with a few differences. You are invited to copy, distribute, and transform the materials published under these conditions, and to take the implications of (re-)use into account.