Why why why... getting rooted!
These principles are related to community building more than they are related
to specific technologies. This is because the big problems with social network
sites are not technical: the problems are social problems related to things
like policy, values, and power. Running a social network site is community
building first and a technical task second.  And while community building is
hard work, it's often worth it. This is my pitch to you: using big social media
sites is easy, but you pay a steep price for it. You should consider running
your own site, which is harder, but can be extremely rewarding.


We are building an infrastructure commons...
We are building a resilient emergency community network (for the next hurricane)...
We believe in building community and supporting highly localized websites and services...


Running a personal server for you and your friends or family can be one way to
regain agency within an otherwise dehumanizing system. Such servers can
federate together to create community oases within the information desert.
Growing and connecting in a decentralized way, rather than building a single
monolithic platform for the next Silicon Valley tyrant to monopolize.


Ons huidige systeem van voedselproductie zit vol gebreken en kwetsbaarheden.
Daarom vinden wij het belangrijk om meer controle te krijgen over het voedsel
dat we kopen en consumeren. Voedsel gaat niet alleen over geld, toegang tot
voedsel hoort niet afhankelijk te zijn van ondoordringbare en ondoorgrondelijke
logistiek, en overdadige verpakkingen zijn niet vanzelfsprekend. Toegang tot
hoogwaardig, biologisch en betaalbaar voedsel is belangrijk voor ons - en we
vinden dat iedereen er recht op heeft.


The homebrewserver.club is a monthly gathering for those who (wish to) host
their own online services from home, rather than using commercial and privacy
unfriendly alternatives. Together we config and work on our homebrew server
setups. These are low-cost, low-power, low-maintenance, high-fun computers
through which we can host all of our online necessities and keep them out of
the cloud. The club meetings are open for anyone, from more experienced users
to interested beginners. During the homebrewserver.club meetings we exchange
tips or look into particular topics together. As we gain more knowledge about a
topic, we write and publish guides for others to share.


Under the Varia Broadcasts label, we focus on the organisation of events
ranging from performances, film screenings, to talks. The broadcasts allow us
to investigate hybrid online and offline set-ups and novel modes of audience
engagement and participation. This is also an opportunity to build a stronger
infrastructure for audio and video streams. In particular, due to the long-term
impact of Covid19, we feel a stronger response-ability for making room for
experimental socio-technical practices that explore streaming techniques.
