hola people

Relearning while Logging


from rules for radicals, saul d.alinsky

"What would it mean, if publishing and publications would become "places of study" (Fred Moten and Stefano Harney. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Studies. (New York: Autonomedia, 2013), p. 108-09) and self-critical reflection instead of an educational means?" Rebekka Kiesewetter


small booklet made by OSP in 2013?/2014? that documents their ideas around Relearn in connection to their collective graphic design practices

bot, are you still with us?

BOOK: Modeling bilingualism from structure to chaos : in honor of Kees de Bot by Kees De Bot; Monika S Schmid; Wander Lowie; Publisher: Philadelphia : John Benjamins Pub. Co., ©2011.


BOOK: Maybelle in the soup by Katie Speck; Paul Rátz de Tagyos Publisher: New York : Henry Holt, 2007.

mobile preperations for a spontanious relearn presentation at the LGM on Saturday

dichroic dream

BOOK: Mariko Mori : Dream temple. by Mariko Mori; Fondazione Prada (Milan, Italy) Publisher: Milano : Fondazione Prada, 1999.