% Digital Solidarity Networks % a shared listing of tools, practices and readings for digital solidarity, conviviality and togetherness % Initiated in: March 2020 % Situated update of the introduction text: May 2021 % Redux version during CLOG agency session: July 2021 > Let's chat further on IRC, in the #digital-solidarity-networks channel on Libera.chat [0] > For access from the web browser, you can use https://web.libera.chat/gamja/#digital-solidarity-networks to join the channel (no password needed) > If you want to see an uneditable version of this pad, you can do so here https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/publish/digital-solidarity-networks.raw.html To whoever encounters this pad: this is work-in-progress, please join! This is the start of a listing of resources regarding mutual aid strategies, propositions for future setups and social closeness through 'alternative' digital infrastructures. This pad contains examples of collective digital reparative practices, in a time where everything points to the further consolidation and accelerated normalization of the Big Tech industry (Zoom, Facebook, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.), a.k.a. GMAFIAZ. Other attitudes are possible! The Covid-19 pandemic was the main (de)stabilizing force during the period where this pad emerged (physical distancing, remote working and care taking-and-giving), nevertheless we also want to account for other temporalities of diverse thicknesses and lengths, // which are inextricably embedded in what is shared hereby [this is a perfect clog to unclog!]. For example: the irreversible damage that we are left with in the aftermath of the sneaky moment[1]; the relational precarity provoked by what the Invisible Commitee called the contemporary "crisis of presence"[2] that combines the digitization of the modern subject's experience and how "he’s taken to speaking of an 'anthropocene'" (5); the increasing need and control of migration flows along the Global North-South axis; turbo-capitalism as the computationally speeded-up financialisation of most socio-economical relations; the establishment of computationalism as the contemporary colonial regime[3]; mainstream feminism with a door for TERFs[4]; requiems to late liberalism, new fascisms, mindsets of going back to business as usual; hyper-hygenic "new" normality; rural injustices such as lack of connectivity; and a generalized path towards the 6th mass extinction by means of a provoked climate change against which only partial reparations can now be dreamt of. Such dreams have affirmative material forms, such as: the abolitionism movements organized around a variety of well established institutions (defund the police and prison complex including tech-to-prison pipelines, intensive farming, border control, ...); the moment of re-politicizing open licenses within F/LOSS communities (closing the Software-as-a-Service/SaaS loophole with the AGPL); shared economies of new unions, co-ops & other solidarities (housing, delivery riders, sex workers, street vendors aka "manteros", gig workers, ...); the potentials that we are left with in the afterglows of the same sneaky moment[1] such as forms of collective (re)engagement with computational infrastructures for the public interest; the back to the countryside effect; and non-western social uprisings. [0] Moved from Freenode reflecting on the latest fork in the infrastructure. [1] sneaky moment is a term used by the Darmstadt Delegation to refer to moments of separation https://twentysix.fibreculturejournal.org/fcj-196-lets-first-get-things-done-on-division-of-labour-and-techno-political-practices-of-delegation-in-times-of-crisis/ [2] crisis of presence https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-invisible-committe-to-our-friends in: The Invisible Committee. 2015. *To Our Friends*. Cambridge: MIT Press. [3] computationalism http://oro.open.ac.uk/46718/1/__userdata_documents8_sma78_Desktop_A_Brief_Introduction_to_Decolonial_Compu.pdf [4] TERF = Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists In such a context, we feel the response-ability to suggest a different approach to technology which does not reinforce capitalist ideals of productivity in situations of crisis (i.e.: "business as usual"). One that promotes collective networks of solidarity that don't rely on data extractivist models, reconsider the figure of the user[0], and can be adapted to the specificities of each situation. Luckily, there are already plenty of inspiring initiatives doing great work in this area. With this pad, we hope to share some of them and contribute to cross-pollination. At the same time, we cannot ignore that it takes effort, and a great amount of privilege, to walk away from these corporate tech solutions once and for all. Ease-of-use in times of urgency; network effects; family members whose contact is dependent on the usage of mainstream social networking platforms; complicated political situations where these are sadly the most convenient choice; the need for an online presence in times of structural precarity; etc.; are all considerations that should not be discarded and are the reality for most of us. In fact, and precisely because of such considerations, we are not advocating a purist approach. We are all entangled with Big Tech, but we would prefer to critique it, put limits and eventually choose our dependencies without being forced. So if you are interested in experimenting with other digital infrastructures, we invite organisations, collectives and individuals to look closer into these alternatives and support them to the best of their abilities, by either hosting their own versions of the software, therefore diminishing the visitor load, or providing financial compensation for someone else's services. There are many tools and hosting initiatives to start exploring and engaging with. We have curated this pad from a resonant perspective to those articulated by the tenets of the Feminist Server Manifesto[1]; Dear Cultural Institution, there is an Elephant in the Room[2]; Technological Sovereignty[3]; lists of feminist and autonomous servers[4]; F/LOSS Art and Libre Graphics[5]; community care and mutual aid networks (Global Information Society Watch[6], Allied Media[7], gendersec[8], Critical Design Lab[9], Leeszaal[10] + ...), XPUB[11]; Lurk[12]; pirate.care[13]; ... [0] https://theusercondition.computer/ [1] https://areyoubeingserved.constantvzw.org/Summit_afterlife.xhtml [2] https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/elephant + https://constantvzw.org/wefts/distant-elephant.en.html [3] https://www.ritimo.org/IMG/pdf/sobtech2-en-with-covers-web-150dpi-2018-01-10.pdf / http://backbone409.calafou.org/es/node/229.html [4] https://pad.riseup.net/p/femservers-checklist-security + https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Servers:_From_autonomous_servers_to_feminist_servers [5] https://archive.bleu255.com/bleu255.com-things/floss-art/index.html + https://libregraphicsmeeting.org [6] https://www.giswatch.org/ [7] https://alliedmedia.org/ [8] https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page [9] https://www.mapping-access.com/ [10] https://www.leeszaalrotterdamwest.nl/ [11] https://xpub.nl [12] https://lurk.org/ [13] https://pirate.care/ These are some of the places/moments where shared intersectional sensibilities have been activated: - Varia https://varia.zone/en - Arts Meets Radical Openness (AMRO) http://radical-openness.org/en - Iterations https://iterations.space/ - 3rd Obfuscation Workshop https://3rd.obfuscationworkshop.org/ - Relearn Summerschool http://relearn.be - Techno-Galactic Software Observatory https://constantvzw.org/site/-The-Technogalactic-Software-Observatory-.html - Networks with an Attitude https://constantvzw.org/site/-Networks-with-an-Attitude-.html?lang=en - Are You Being Served? + feminist servers summit https://areyoubeingserved.constantvzw.org/Summit_afterlife.xhtml - TransHackFeminist Meet-Up https://transhackfeminist.noblogs.org/ - TransHackFeminist Convergence https://alexandria.anarchaserver.org/index.php/Main_Page#TransHackFeminist_Convergence - Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures https://constantvzw.org/site/-Reclaiming-Digital-Infrastructures,232-.html + https://autonomousdesign.hotglue.me/ - Monday Readings https://apass.be/monday-readings/ - CLOG Agency https://nieuwevide.com/expositie/open-call-for-clog-agents/ - Relearning Series https://constantvzw.org/wefts/relearningseries.en.html - The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TiTiPi) http://titipi.org/ Being aware that lived experiences still miss embodied perspectives related to computed forms of ageism, ableism, racism, speciesism, ... this pad needs to be read as the snapshot of a very situated community of practices, undoubtedly tainted by the problematics of a particular group of people (and not others), no matter how large it still is. Yet, we hope that this pad is taken as an invitation to expand, stretch, reshape and carry the conversation further. The pad will slowly morph and mutate, depending on different forces and energies: new projects and groups are being encountered and micro- and macro-organisms which are responding to each other in different ways. But remember! No pressure, no guilt, no victimhood, no productivity claims. Let's try to not apologize for not being always available. Translations of the above text: - generated French translation https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/digital-solidarity-networks_french - Portuguese translation https://pajuba.frama.wiki/wiki:solidariedade_feminista <3 - NEW!! Spanish! https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/redes-de-solidaridad-digital !!!! General resources * A catalog of formats for digital discomfort http://titipi.org/projects/discomfort/CatalogOFFDigitalDiscomfort.pdf * Coronavirus Tech Handbook - https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/ * Pirate Care Syllabus https://syllabus.pirate.care/ * Digital Self-Defense Knowledgebase https://defendourmovements.org/ * Detroit Community Technology Project https://detroitcommunitytech.org/ // https://detroitcommunitytech.org/?q=teachcommtech * Consentful Tech Project https://alliedmedia.org/consentful-tech-project * prendre soin https://ps.zoethical.org/c/engagement/prendre-soin/137 * Mental Health Resources Varia pad - https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/mentalhealthc19-resources * GISWatch Community Networks 2018 Report - https://giswatch.org/sites/default/files/giswatch18_web_0.pdf * Hacking with Care ("The collective explores well-being and care as components of hacking and activism, while also seeking to liberate care, and to inspire alliances between "caregivers" of different competences.") - https://hackingwithcare.in/ * Tactical Tech's Security in a Box - https://tacticaltech.org/#/projects/security-in-a-box / https://securityinabox.org/en/ * Tactical Tech's Gender and Technology - https://tacticaltech.org/#/projects/gender-technology / https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page * Dear cultural institution, There is an elephant in the room! - https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/elephant * Dear student, teacher, worker in an educational institution, https://constantvzw.org/wefts/distant-elephant.en.html (September 2020 follow up!) * We, Computer Users, demand the right to … https://userrights.contemporary-home-computing.org/ * The Politics of Covid-19 Syllabus - https://the-syllabus.com/coronavirus-readings/ * Een poging tot een verzameling van activiteiten voor kleuters en ouders - activities for preschoolers and parents (mostly in Dutch and French) https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/Ketjes * Feminist Pedagogy in a Time of Coronavirus Pandemic https://femtechnet.org/feminist-pedagogy-in-a-time-of-coronavirus-pandemic/ * 'Collective Health as Really Beautiful Artwork' by The Feminist Economics Department (the FED) - https://tinyletter.com/Feminist_Economics_Department/letters/collective-health-as-really-beautiful-artwork * Hackers and Hospitals https://libreplanet.org/wiki/HACKERS_and_HOSPITALS * The Pandemic Imagination Reading Club - https://salwafoundation.nl/Session-1-The-Pandemic-Imagination * A People's History of Sillicon Valley Syllabus https://pad.riseup.net/p/social_movements_and_tech_change-keep * The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest - http://titipi.org/ * VPN zine project covers 4 zines about the technology, how to self-host and general tips on installing & debugging openVPN https://psaroskalazines.gr/ * Teaching Design - https://teaching-design.net/ "We have observed that there has been a lot of discussion about how to maintain teaching, tackling technical accessibility and so on – but seen little concrete suggestions on how to deal with the “side-effects” of this new university-/student-/teacher-life online. For us – it is part of our job as (design) educator/teacher to care for my students – so how can we implement the aspect of (self-) care into our teaching practice?" * #CovidCreativesToolkit - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iNPPgHO1bQFTey3U4G6LZ4pjb05iM0AyLGYA1We6W5c/edit?pli=1 "A set of curated* mostly free & open source resources to support creative practitioners (artists, makers, curators, designers, hackers, educators, facilitators, etc) who need to migrate their practice onto digital places & spaces, and don’t have time to mess around." Connected lists * Online tools for the pandemic by the Faces + Eclectic Tech Carnival mailing lists https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/online-tools-for-the-pandemic * Social Practices COVID-19 Teaching Resources https://beyond-social.org/wiki/index.php/Social_Practices_COVID-19_Teaching_Resources * A collection of open-source tools, apps and services recommended by Tactical Technology https://myshadow.org/resources * Collaborative Tool Inventory https://pad.puscii.nl/p/collaborative_tool_inventory * HKU Utrecht's list of recently opened online cultural resources: museums, libraries, streaming of operas, etc. https://pad.xpub.nl/p/MEDIA-onlineArt_and_resources * Sharing is Caring https://wiki.mur.at/SharingIsCaring the hands-on infowiki provided by mur.at (in German) * Autonomous Fabric's SUPPORT and RESOURCE pad for self-organised initiatives in Rotterdam and beyond https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Autonomous_Fabric_of_Rotterdam * LibrePlanet Remote Communication https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Remote_Communication * Collection of initiatives to help each other in the COVID-19 crisis https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/COVID-19 * Servers: From autonomous servers to feminist servers https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Servers:_From_autonomous_servers_to_feminist_servers * Remote Communication https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Remote_Communication * Switching Software https://switching.software/ * Ethical Net https://ethical.net/resources/ * A DIY Guide to Feminist Cybersecurity https://hackblossom.org/cybersecurity/ * Gendersec curricula https://en.gendersec.train.tacticaltech.org/ * Switching.software https://switching.software/ * Tiny Tools directory https://tinytools.directory/ ____ U _____ u _ ____ __ __ _____ U ___ u _ _ ____ U _____ u U | _"\ u\| ___"|U /"\ u| _"\ \ \ / / |_ " _| \/"_ \/ U |"|u| |/ __"| \| ___"|/ \| |_) |/ | _|" \/ _ \//| | | | \ V / | | | | | | \| |\| <\___ \/ | _|" | _ < | |___ / ___ \U| |_| |U_|"|_u /| |.-,_| |_| | | |_| |u___) | | |___ |_| \_\ |_____|/_/ \_\|____/ u |_| u |_|U\_)-\___/ <<\___/ |____/>>|_____| // \\_ << >> \\ >> |||_.-,//|(_ _// \\_ \\ (__) )( )( (__<< >> (__) (__(__) (__(__) (__(__)_)\_) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) Non-extractive* software hosters * Multi-service * Lurk (small scale) - https://lurk.org/ * discussion lists, xmpp chat, microblogging, wiki, mastodon * Framasoft (medium scale) - https://framasoft.fr/en/ - Frama is in overload mode.. * pads, forms, agenda, slides, chat, video-calling, maps, microblogging, notes, mindmaps, calculators, etc. * Chatons - distributed load of Framasoft - https://entraide.chatons.org/en/ As Framasoft is overloaded, the Chatons network decided to make a page offering the same services as Framasoft, one of their members, but distributed over the different Chatons servers (have a look - auto-explanatory) Every time you load this page, other servers are proposed. * Riseup - https://riseup.net/ * email, chat, VPN, mailing lists, etherpads * Autistici/Inventati - https://www.autistici.org/ * Systemli https://www.systemli.org/ * xmpp chat, email, etherpad, web hosting, ticker * disroot (https://www.disroot.org/) xmpp, jitsi, etherpad, taiga, email, diaspora, nextcloud * autonomic coop: https://autonomic.zone/ - worker coop which provides software hosting * node9 (small scale) https://node9.org/ - Hubzilla, Nextcloud, Peertube, email, PHP web hosting * Video chat * Jitsi * instances where Jitsi is hosted: * by the jitsi team: https://meet.jit.si/ (not green) * surf.nl: https://edu.nl/meet, https://videobelpilot.surf.nl/ (in partnerships with NL educational institutions) - discontinued * greenhost.net: https://meet.greenhost.net/ (green) * mayfirst: https://meet.mayfirst.org/ (not green) * autistici inventati: https://vc.autistici.org/ (green) * systemli: https://meet.systemli.org/ (not green) * disroot: https://calls.disroot.org (green) * guifi net: https://meet.guifi.net (not green) * waag: https://meet.waag.org/ (green) * Domaine Public http://conf.domainepublic.net - discontinued? typo in url! * Freifunk München: https://meet.ffmuc.net/ (green) * collective tools: https://meet.collective.tools/ - discontinued? * vc4all: https://beeldbellen.vc4all.nl/ (green) * Praatbox: https://praatbox.be/ (not green) * Hangar: https://jitsi.hangar.org/ (green) -- "green" as described by https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/ * + many more! (more: https://fediverse.blog/~/DonsBlog/videochat-server dead) * (more more: ) * + many many more (with annotations!): https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/wiki/Jitsi-Meet-Instances * Big Blue button https://bigbluebutton.org - to install on your own server, their version is not a good demo, Modest version available on https://bbb.faimaison.net/b - Faimaison indicates that their server can handle conversations from 2 to 10 people. https://www.faimaison.net/actualites/outils-tele-cooperation-covid19.html * The Onling Meeting Cooperative: https://www.org.meet.coop (demo @ ) * https://www.fairkom.eu/fairteaching * Chatb, https://chatb.org, from people behind hostb.org, source code: https://r-w-x.org/r/chatb * Audio chat * Mumble * instances of Mumble: * Disroot - https://mumble.disroot.org/ (green) * Espora - https://mumble.espora.org/ (not greeb) * Mayfirst - https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/mumble (not green) * Textual chat * Freenode IRC * for example http://freenode.net/ (server IRC), accessible via the web interface: https://webchat.freenode.net/ * Collaborative writing * Etherpad, examples of instances: * Wikimedia Etherpad - https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/ * Riseup - https://pad.riseup.net/ * FramaPad - https://framapad.org/fr/ * + many others! * CodiMD * CodiMD - https://demo.codimd.org/ * Cryptpad * Cryptpad - https://cryptpad.fr/ * Textb, https://textb.org, from people behind hostb.org, source code: https://r-w-x.org/r/textb * Collaborative Drawing * Excalidraw https://excalidraw.com/ * WBO https://wbo.ophir.dev/ * Collaborative performing music Jamulus - https://jamulus.io/ - Jamulus is for playing, rehearsing, or just jamming with your friends, your band or just anyone you find online. * Streaming * https://live.autistici.org/ * https://echo.lurk.org * https://cytu.be/ * File sharing * Riseup - https://share.riseup.net/ * Firefox https://send.firefox.com/ - Mozilla - yes or no? * hostb - https://hostb.org/, source code: https://r-w-x.org/r/hostb, https://r-w-x.org/r/hostb_client * VideoBin, https://videobin.org/, video sharing software from people behind hostb.org, source code: https://r-w-x.org/r/videobin * The Good Cloud https://thegood.cloud/ * Code collaboration * radicle - https://radicle.xyz/ - a decentralized app for code collaboration (p2p), beta ____ U _____ u _ ____ __ __ _____ U ___ u _ _ ____ _____ _ _ _ U | _"\ u\| ___"|U /"\ u| _"\ \ \ / / |_ " _| \/"_ \/ ___ | \ |"| / __"| u|_ " _|U /"\ u |"| |"| \| |_) |/ | _|" \/ _ \//| | | | \ V / | | | | | | |_"_| <| \| |<\___ \/ | | \/ _ \/U | | uU | | u | _ < | |___ / ___ \U| |_| |U_|"|_u /| |.-,_| |_| | | | U| |\ |uu___) | /| |\ / ___ \ \| |/__\| |/__ |_| \_\ |_____|/_/ \_\|____/ u |_| u |_|U\_)-\___/ U/| |\u |_| \_| |____/>>u |_|U /_/ \_\ |_____||_____| // \\_ << >> \\ >> |||_.-,//|(_ _// \\_ \\ .-,_|___|_,-|| \\,-)( (___// \\_ \\ >> // \\ // \\ (__) (__(__) (__(__) (__(__)_)\_) (__) (__) (__) (__) \_)-' '-(_/(_") (_(__) (__) (__(__) (__(_")("_(_")("_) Non-extractive* software (would be nice to add personal experiences, in maybe another chapter?) * Video chat/voice chat * Jitsi - https://jitsi.org/ * podcast with Jitsi founder/project lead Emil Ivov & Randy Ksar who works at 8x8 who hired the Jitsi team and acquired the Jitsi Technology https://www.8x8.com/blog/episode-5-meet-jitsi * Wahay - https://wahay.org (did not get it to work) * Mumble - https://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php * Apache Open Meetings - https://openmeetings.apache.org/ * unhangout - https://unhangout.media.mit.edu/about/ * Jami - https://jami.net/download/ (not tested, comes with a blockchain part? not sure what is underneath the interfaces to handle the chatting and calling https://jami.net/the-jami-blockchain-switches-from-proof-of-work-to-proof-of-authority/ ) * Streaming * Icecast (audio/video streaming server) - https://icecast.org/ * streaming with icecast notes https://things.bleu255.com/runyourown/Streaming_Service_with_Icecast * Butt streaming tool, if you have Icecast config you can use https://sourceforge.net/projects/butt/support * Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) - https://obsproject.com/ * Open Streaming Platform - https://openstreamingplatform.com/ * Metastream - https://getmetastream.com/ * VideoLAN streaming solution - https://www.videolan.org/vlc/streaming.html * Gstreamer - https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Gstreamer --> notes about self-hosting streaming software: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/streaming * CyTube https://github.com/calzoneman/sync * Studiolink - (german docs) High Quality audio stream integration - https://studio-link.de/ * Chat * XMPP/Jabber * server software: https://prosody.im/, https://www.ejabberd.im/ * clients: https://xmpp.org/software/clients.html * Conversations (Android) (!) - https://conversations.im/ (also available in f-droid!) * Dino (Linux Desktop) - https://dino.im/ * Gajim (Windows, Linux, Mac) - https://gajim.org/ * Chatsecure (iOS), Siskin (iOS), Monal (iOS) * ConverseJS (web-client) - https://conversejs.org/, installed at different places: * https://conversejs.org/fullscreen.html --> further reading: https://homebrewserver.club/category/instant-messaging.html --> XMPP bots: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/explore/repos?q=bots&topic=1 * IRC * server software listing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_daemons * recommendations: ? * IRC client listing - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients * kiwi-irc (web-client) - https://webchat.freenode.net/?#varia * weechat (command line) - https://weechat.org/ * Game development * Twine - http://twinery.org/ * Ren'Py - https://www.renpy.org/ * Bitsy - http://ledoux.io/bitsy/editor.html * Fabularium (app) - https://fossdroid.com/a/fabularium.html --> more links: http://everest-pipkin.com/teaching/tools.html * Godot - https://godotengine.org/ * Library software * Bibliotecha - https://bibliotecha.info/ * Calibre - https://calibre-ebook.com/ * File sharing * OnionShare - https://onionshare.org/ * Secure browsing * Tor Browser - https://www.torproject.org/download/ * Open science & sustainable tech Manifold Scholar https://github.com/ManifoldScholar/manifold Bibsonomy https://www.bibsonomy.org/ open sustainable technology list https://github.com/protontypes/open-sustainable-technology R packages for the sciences https://ropensci.org Self-hosting (with others) --> more links: https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/self-hosting-together * Freedombox - https://freedomboxfoundation.org/ * https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/LeavingTheCloud (great listing of many tools !) * Freedombone - https://freedombone.net/ * Yunohost - https://yunohost.org/#/ * Practical guides and much more - https://homebrewserver.club/ * Feminist servers checklist: https://pad.riseup.net/p/femservers-checklist-security * Systerserver - https://systerserver.net/ * Anarchaserver https://anarchaserver.org/ * Run Your Own - https://things.bleu255.com/runyourown/Main_Page * Homebrewserver Club - https://homebrewserver.club/ * Streaming guides https://p-node.org/documentation/streams * Local Network wifi zone (short distance) - http://www.mazizone.eu/ * Subnodes - https://github.com/chootka/subnodes-lighttpd + http://subnodes.org/ * Occupy Here - https://github.com/occupyhere/occupy.here * Run your own social: How to run a small social network site for your friends - https://runyourown.social/ * Setup a new Virtual Machine with Debian, docs by Anarchaserver https://alexandria.anarchaserver.org/index.php/Check_list_security_for_feminist_servers Tech co-ops * Co-op cloud https://coopcloud.tech/ * Autonomic https://autonomic.zone/ * Enspiral Network https://www.enspiral.com/ ____ U _____ u _ ____ __ __ _____ U ___ u U _____ u_ _ _ U ___ __ __ U | _"\ u\| ___"|U /"\ u| _"\ \ \ / / |_ " _| \/"_ \/ \| ___"|| \ |"| U |"| u \/"_ \\ \ / / \| |_) |/ | _|" \/ _ \//| | | | \ V / | | | | | | | _|"<| \| |>_ \| |/ | | | |\ V / | _ < | |___ / ___ \U| |_| |U_|"|_u /| |.-,_| |_| | | |___U| |\ || |_| |_,-.-,_| |_| U_|"|_u |_| \_\ |_____|/_/ \_\|____/ u |_| u |_|U\_)-\___/ |_____||_| \_| \___/-(_/ \_)-\___/ |_| // \\_ << >> \\ >> |||_.-,//|(_ _// \\_ \\ << >>|| \\,-_// \\.-,//|(_ (__) (__(__) (__(__) (__(__)_)\_) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__(_") (_(__) (__)\_) (__) Alternative social networks * WeDistribute "a publication dedicated to Free Software, decentralized communication technologies, and sustainability" - https://wedistribute.org/ * Welcome to the Fediverse - https://fediverse.party/ Microblogging * Mastodon - https://mastodon.social/about // https://instances.social/ * Pleroma - https://pleroma.social/ // https://fediverse.party/en/pleroma * Misskey - https://join.misskey.page/en/ // https://fediverse.party/en/misskey Macroblogging * Socialhome - https://socialhome.network/ // https://fediverse.party/en/socialhome * Hubzilla - https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project // https://fediverse.party/en/hubzilla * Diaspora - https://diasporafoundation.org/ // https://fediverse.party/en/diaspora Activist organising * Social media * Crabgrass - https://0xacab.org/riseuplabs/crabgrass * Used for example by riseup https://we.riseup.net/ * Event organising software * Mobilizon https://mobilizon.org/ + https://joinmobilizon.org/en/ * Collective decision making and discussion * Community Rule https://communityrule.info/ * Loomio https://www.loomio.org/ * Collective finances * Open Collective https://opencollective.com/ Digital libraries * Aaaaarg - https://aaaaarg.fail/ * Memory of the World - https://www.memoryoftheworld.org/ , https://library.memoryoftheworld.org/ * Internet Archive - https://blog.archive.org/2020/03/24/announcing-a-national-emergency-library-to-provide-digitized-books-to-students-and-the-public/ + https://archive.org/details/nationalemergencylibrary * Library Genesis - http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ - https://whereislibgen.now.sh/ * Sci-Hub - https://sci-hub.se * Monoskop - https://monoskop.org , https://monoskop.org/log/ * Z Library - https://b-ok.cc/ , https://booksc.xyz/ * Imperial Library of Trantor - https://trantor.is/ * LibriVox - https://librivox.org/ * The Anarchist Library - https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index * https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/Sample_librariesLink (some of them) Non-extractive* software initatives and use examples * Libre Planet moved their conference fully online - https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2020/Streaming * running Gstreamer and Icecast * Love Chaos Quarantine https://www.lovechaosquarantine.zone/ * adhoc online festival * running https://hoffnung3000.de/ * Radio On the Radio, online Varia stream (14-03) - https://varia.zone/en/pages/stream.html * using Icecast * ∏node propose the ANTIVIRUS program : an open collective anti isolation radio show made from your home. Everyday at 20h (Paris time) - https://p-node.org/actions/antivirus * Online Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (15-03) - https://www.newmuseum.org/calendar/view/1629/art-feminism-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-1 * running on a Mediawiki * Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern: "An exercise that might be of use to others: in Anthro of Networks, we asked students to use a networked-writing platform (Twine, Trello, Miro, Mural, Whimsical) to document 24hrs of their networked activity - a mini-auto-ethnography. Some were revelatory! https://anthronetworks.wordsinspace.net/spring2020/req" - https://twitter.com/shannonmattern/status/1238679065827082244 * using Twine, Trello, Miro, Mural, Whimsical * Data Vis Book Club happening regularly online - https://notes.datawrapper.de/p/bookclub-papers * running Etherpad * Anti-University - https://2020.antiuniversity.org/ * running https://hoffnung3000.de/ * Streaming video, a link between pandemic and climate crisis https://www.harun-farocki-institut.org/en/2020/04/16/streaming-video-a-link-between-pandemic-and-climate-crisis-journal-of-visual-culture-hafi-2/ * Read & Repair feat. Digital Solidarity Networks - http://varia.zone/en/rr-digi-soli-networks.html * 3 Adventures in the Ether , a Choose Your Own Adventure game on the windows of Varia - http://varia.zone/en/3-adventures-in-the-ether.html * Digital Solidarity Networks @ Varia, continued in May/June 2021, http://varia.zone/en/dsn-1.html http://varia.zone/en/dsn-2.html http://varia.zone/en/dsn-3.html Radio/Streaming ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ * PUB - http://pub.sandberg.nl * Rietveld - http://radio.rietveldacademie.nl/ * Yamakan Hammam Radio - https://yamakan.place/hammamradio/ * Radio Quarentena - https://cpr.org.ar/radio-cuarentena/ * Echoraeume - http://echoraeume.klingt.org/ in Vienna * Domes FM - http://bidstonobservatory.org/radio in Liverpool observatory * Radio Calafou - https://wiki.calafou.org/index.php/Radio_Calafou Calafou radio from a eco-industrial post-capitalist colony in Catalonia✨ * LAG radio - https://leftover.puscii.nl/ https://ikiwiki.laglab.org/Radio/ * MayDay Radio Marathon - http://oscillation-festival.be/ * List of streamings from Greece to Palestine to Asia - http://und-athens.com/journal/quarantine-list-1 * pNode - https://p-node.org/actions/antivirus * Strike Radio - http://strikeradio.org/about/ * Mutant Radio https://mutantradio.net/ * Ràdio Web MACBA - https://rwm.macba.cat/en * Reboot http://reboot.fm/ * n10 http://www.n10.as/ * Radio Alhara https://yamakan.place/palestine/ Radio Alhara together with a group of sound platforms and sound artists started The Sonic Liberation Front (SLF) in order to create one sound for Palestine; standing with Palestinian civilians in protesting against Israel’s attacks in Gaza and the repression of Palestinian communities everywhere. Through a dispersed network of friends and colleagues, using emails and social media (mainly instagram and facebook) etc Radio Alhara shared the url of the stream of SLF and invited other radio platforms to mirror it in their own infrastructures. Varia Broadcasts was one of these platforms and mirrored the SLF in May and June 2021. https://vvvvvvaria.org/archive/2021-05-20-Sonic-Liberation-Front/ * Leftover radio https://leftover.puscii.nl/ * Radio EE https://radioee.net/ (nice way to present the podcasts) * radio in between spaces https://www.inbetweenspaces.net/ * p-node https://p-node.org/ * https://radiorelativa.eu/ * radio ruelles https://www.ooooo.be/ruelles * Baba Radio http://www.babaradio.online/ * Radio Implicancies https://issue.xpub.nl/12/ + https://issue.xpub.nl/15/ * L'Eko des Garrigues http://www.ekodesgarrigues.com/ * WSK.fm https://wskfm.bandcamp.com is the radio platform of Manila media art festival,WSK: Festival of the Recently Possible * Metropolarity https://metropolarity.net/ * Raadio Caargo https://www.raadiocaargo.com/ * Wave Farm https://wavefarm.org/listen * Radio FRO https://www.fro.at/ * Extractive software relies on a business model where the user produces economic value for the tech company in exchange for its free (free as in beer, not as in freedom) services (e.g.: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Instagram, et al). However, the exchange rate(?) is often disproportional and can have direct consequences for democracy, society and basic human rights(?), while generating profits in the order of the billions for the company (e.g.: US$40 billion (2017) for Facebook and US$110 billion (2017) for Google.) ____ U _____ u _ ____ __ __ _____ U ___ u ____ U _____ u _ ____ U | _"\ u \| ___"|/U /"\ u | _"\ \ \ / / |_ " _| \/"_ \/ U | _"\ u \| ___"|/U /"\ u | _"\ \| |_) |/ | _|" \/ _ \/ /| | | | \ V / | | | | | | \| |_) |/ | _|" \/ _ \/ /| | | | | _ < | |___ / ___ \ U| |_| |\U_|"|_u /| |\.-,_| |_| | | _ < | |___ / ___ \ U| |_| |\ |_| \_\ |_____| /_/ \_\ |____/ u |_| u |_|U \_)-\___/ |_| \_\ |_____| /_/ \_\ |____/ u // \\_ << >> \\ >> |||_ .-,//|(_ _// \\_ \\ // \\_ << >> \\ >> |||_ (__) (__)(__) (__)(__) (__)(__)_) \_) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) (__)(__) (__)(__) (__)(__)_) Reading list * Let's first get things done! on division of labour and technopolitical practices of delegation in times of crisis http://twentysix.fibreculturejournal.org/fcj-196-lets-first-get-things-done-on-division-of-labour-and-techno-political-practices-of-delegation-in-times-of-crisis/ * Solidarity as Infrastructure - https://www.systemli.org/en/2020/03/15/solidarity-as-infrastructure.html * Pervasive Labour Union - http://ilu.servus.at/ * On paranoia and reparative reading - https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4597-paranoia-and-the-coronavirus-how-eve-sedgwick-s-affect-theory-persists-through-quarantine-and-self-isolation * Other geometries vocabulary - https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/interdependencies * Asian American Feminist Antibodies: Care in the Time of the Coronavirus - https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59f87d66914e6b2a2c51b657/t/5e7bbeef7811c16d3a8768eb/1585168132614/AAFCZine3_CareintheTimeofCoronavirus.pdf * Complaint and Survival - https://feministkilljoys.com/2020/03/23/complaint-and-survival/ * Taskeen Adam (2019), Digital neocolonialism and massive open online courses (MOOCs): colonial pasts and neoliberal futures https://sci-hub.shop/https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2019.1640740 * Libro de soberania tecnologica (2014) Volumen 1: Cast: https://radioslibres.net/wp-content/uploads/media/uploads/documentos/dossier-st-cast-2014-06-30.pdf French: https://www.ritimo.org/IMG/pdf/dossier-st1.pdf Italian: http://hacklabbo.indivia.net/book/sobtec1/it/ * Libro de soberania tecnologica (2018) Volumen 2: Cast: https://www.ritimo.org/IMG/pdf/sobtech2-es-with-covers-web-150dpi-2018-01-13-v2.pdf French: https://www.ritimo.org/IMG/pdf/sobtech2-fr-with-covers-web-150dpi-2018-01-10.pdf English: https://www.ritimo.org/IMG/pdf/sobtech2-en-with-covers-web-150dpi-2018-01-10.pdf * Libros Vol 1 y 2 en formato GIT y traducciones que existen (ingles, frances, castellano, italiano, neerlandes, etc): https://legacy.gitbook.com/@sobtec (link does not work) * Cartography of Exhaustion: Nihilism Inside Out, Peter Pál Pelbart - https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/58360af69ff37c59db161054 * Coronavirus and philosophers - http://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/coronavirus-and-philosophers/ * One hundred years of crisis https://www.e-flux.com/journal/108/326411/one-hundred-years-of-crisis/ * The universal right to breathe https://critinq.wordpress.com/2020/04/13/the-universal-right-to-breathe/ * Ten Premises For A Pandemic https://www.ianalanpaul.com/ten-premises-for-a-pandemic/ * Feminist Autonomous Infrastructures https://www.giswatch.org/en/internet-rights/feminist-autonomous-infrastructures * Infrastructure and non-human life: A wider ontology https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0309132521991220 Viewing list * https://www.artez.nl/en/webinar-crisis-education-critical-education with an analysis of the issues with extractive software in education by Seda Guerses Listening list * We Be Imagining Podcast - A Chance to Transgress https://americanassembly.org/wbi-podcast/episode-chance-9dtjd4-b5neb --- Concrete political, institutional and organisational responses to the pandemic [welp, not sure yet how to title] * #internet4all - https://berniesanders.com/issues/high-speed-internet-all/ [did not dive into this one yet, did one of you?] * "From net neutrality to public internet" - https://techaction.nyc/posts/from-net-neutrality-to-public-internet/ * Statement of the EDPB Chair on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak - https://edpb.europa.eu/news/news_en * pressing pause in a time of crisis: https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/pressing-pause-in-a-time-of-crisis * State of Emergency https://www.are.na/francis-tseng/state-of-emergency * GreenNet compilation of OS tools: https://www.apc.org/en/node/36165/ * Seeding and sustaining technological infrastructures for feminist activism, organizations and movements. https://numun.fund/ --- ____ _ ____ _ _ _____ U _____ u _ _ ____ U _____ u ____ U| _"\ uU /"\ u | _"\ |"| U /"\ u |_ " _| \| ___"|/| \ |"| U /"___| ___ \| ___"|// __"| u \| |_) |/ \/ _ \/ /| | | | U | | u \/ _ \/ | | | _|" <| \| |> \| | u |_"_| | _|" <\___ \/ | __/ / ___ \ U| |_| |\ \| |/__ / ___ \ /| |\ | |___ U| |\ |u | |/__ | | | |___ u___) | |_| /_/ \_\ |____/ u |_____|/_/ \_\ u |_|U |_____| |_| \_| \____| U/| |\u |_____| |____/>> ||>>_ \\ >> |||_ // \\ \\ >> _// \\_ << >> || \\,-._// \\.-,_|___|_,-.<< >> )( (__) (__)__) (__) (__)(__)_) (_")("_)(__) (__)(__) (__)(__) (__)(_") (_/(__)(__)\_)-' '-(_/(__) (__)(__) "Pad latencies" is a section to leave traces of ongoing processes and moments of returnings triggered by this pad. The elements below are the result of spending some time navigating the links shared above, while looking for metaphors, anecdotes and/or models that provided with a deeper understanding of the collective effort hereby infused. As eventual vibrations that can provoke movement, these are latent terms and tactics exposed to collective ongoing inquiry. Feel free to extend (also) this section!! These are metaphors & markers that were found in the resources on this pad: From the intro blurb: North-South axis rural-urban [is the "sharing" in "sharing economy" a metaphor at all!?] kickass initiatives (not a) purist approach snapshot tainted From Catalog of Digital Discomfort: cloudy landscapes webinar-Oh-sphere From Are you Being Served? https://areyoubeingserved.constantvzw.org/Summit_afterlife.xhtml embryonic manifesto herself, in relation to the server (gender markers) seamlessness transparency promiscuous (not sure if this is a metaphor, actually) parasitic From Pirate Care: circles of care The Hologram, based on the understanding that all our crises are connected and everyone is a little sick, is a viral four-person health monitoring and diagnostic system practiced from couches all over the world. mapping From Feminist Pedagogy https://femtechnet.org/feminist-pedagogy-in-a-time-of-coronavirus-pandemic/ a cascade of fear and also care “migrating” (courses to an online format) [not sure if this is a metaphor] minimum viable courses [also not a metaphor i think, but more a marker] From Giswatch Watch From Greenet Green Progressive From Digital Sovereignity: Sovereignity From universal right to breathe Universal From Teaching Design https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OAMu6HcANcW4R-VrOGZXWhNc5UmnXoGpKEiV1_GIPvg/edit “normality“ (Self-) care [is the self a metaphor here? perhaps not, but there is a referential linguistic act there] digital classroom [classroom as metaphor] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C5XFUJnu2aVwAdESFkxnu1A6786FYmLadsGI3_2d2eU/edit# From diaspora foundation: Diaspora al mando From Mobilizon's website: Landlords: "A web host can be compared to a landlord who would open their accommodation to the public. Their role is both to ensure the maintenance of infrastructure (system administration), but also to set up and enforce internal rules and regulations (moderation, administration), or even to ensure good relations with the neighboring owners if the host decides to federate with them (federation policies)." From the CLOG Agency: - Questions of scale and scope, and their ethical/political import - The political theology of informational capitalism, (AI is eternal and unprofanable, but so is "god") but also technology users - what does that mean for "history" vs. an "eternal now" of feeds, platforms, agents, etc. - how will it affect capitalism and "free markets"? Will "capital be dead" and we go back to feudalism, oligopolies, etc. - How we call ourselves? reclaiming notions of users, like Olia Lialina below on this pad. (Human / non-human, centered / marginalized) users/used/userized and hierarchies of agencies. -> who/what serves to what/whom? (related to above, what is it that the term user implies. does it make us a part of a machine? especially in a time that this machine is supposed to be a mean of communication (human interaction), what does this implied transformation mean? ) - When the agency of 'user' is reclaimed, what are their responsiblities? can we expect from humans not to be 'users'? - algorithmic regulation of affective flows that reorganize and recodify dividual flows into new extractive logics of capital - a re-mattering of capitalism through the inscription of infinitesimal bodily and cognitive movements into the global flows of capital - messianic time vs. clock/calendar time (clog time!) -> they have clocks, we have time: https://thefunambulist.net/shop/36-july-aug-2021-they-have-clocks-we-have-time - ways of supporting, ways into hosting, ways of relaying financial support) further articulating the questions of scales and scopes. some instruction and/or example/ anecdote (how/who/why) would be great. is an invitation enough? - can there be a small scale model for observing and understanding (some of the) phonomenon subject of this discussion? for example to understand the dynamics of power within a country, in some ways one can look at a small scale version of that same structure in a village. Would that be possible here? - can we make a trade union yet? (a structural solution for dealing with disparities, redistributing resources, funding access, ..) making a long-term structure that can sustain interventions such as this without the precarity that now seems to be its inevitable base.+1000 y!e!s! pls!!! - resolving conflicts - an articulation of the "whoever" that encounters the pad - in the post-pre-face, some recounting of usages, of the paths taken by the pad, experiences and situations - the "alternative" of not wanting or needing any alternative, or digital tool, at all What's missing from the pad (suggestions only): - environmental issues - sustainable energy - permaculture, sustainable living - autonomous forms of agriculture (e.g. forest gardens, etc.) - anarchism and finance in the abstract (such as impact funds, short betting in connection/coordination with direct action & stock price, etc.) - ways of preserving water & solidarity with indigenous causes worldwide (protects the land & water resources) - moar ASCII art These are individual and collective roles that we saw emerge along the different initiatives collected on this pad: host user public audience citizen customer non-expert participants micro- and macro-organisms sovereign own (as in run your own) translators https://opencollective.com/mastodon volunteers interns donators sponsors propaganda-makers !! mirror/proxies/fedeproxies These are anecdotes & stories that seemed somehow informative about the complexity at stake when engaging with digital solidarity: sneaky moment line 137 of the pad: "As Framasoft is overloaded, the Chatons network decided to make a page offering the same services as Framasoft, one of their members, but distributed over the different Chatons servers (have a look - auto-explanatory) Every time you load this page, other servers are proposed." "If a complete stranger knocked on your door and asked for a copy of all your emails in exchange for $1, would you accept such a deal? Probably not, but if you use Gmail that’s the deal you’re accepting: Google gets to read all your emails, and in exchange Google gives you a mailbox that costs about $1 a month to run. […]" Hello world out there, probably inside somewhere else... We often read in the opening of emails these days the wish to find a dear one in good health, or well taken care of, in this tough times. Framatalk Statement: * Thank you for reserving our services to people who do not have the IT means of a national institution (individuals, associations, small businesses and cooperatives, collectives, families, etc.). We were contacted by a companion ( :) ) who shared the Digital Solidarity Networks pad with his students. One of the students had their browser set on auto-translate into French and when they opened the pad, it accidentally replaced all that was there with its French auto generated counterpart. We had luckily saved a local copy from which to restore it and included the French version in a listing of translations. Calibre's history: "As my e-book collection grew, I realized that managing it was quickly becoming unwieldy, so I decided to write a graphical interface to libprs500 to make it easier. This became calibre, in its present form, as a comprehensive e-book management tool. libprs500 was renamed to calibre in mid-2008. The name calibre was chosen by my wife, Krittika. The libre in calibre stands for freedom, indicating that calibre is a free and open source product, modifiable by all. Nonetheless, calibre should be pronounced as cali-ber, not ca-libre." Olia Lialina: "A year ago, in Turing Complete User, I wrote that the development of the Invisible Computer results in the creation of an Invisible User. We need to keep both the term and the idea of the User alive, to insure that users — those who use a system they haven't developed — don't lose either their rights or the opportunity to protect them. In the article I only briefly mention what these users rights could be. Now I'd like to invite computer users to elaborate and suggest points (long or short) that should be included in a Bill of Computer Users' Rights. Please participate! At the moment we need to collect varying opinions. Don't think that it's only about big issues like free software or data privacy. Demand to have a back button, if its absence infringes upon your rights as a computer user!" olia lialina, 2013-10-04 Acts of mirroring sites: Radio Alhara together with a group of sound platforms and sound artists started The Sonic Liberation Front (SLF) in order to create one sound for Palestine; standing with Palestinian civilians in protesting against Israel’s attacks in Gaza and the repression of Palestinian communities everywhere. Through a dispersed network of friends and colleagues, using emails and social media (mainly instagram and facebook) etc Radio Alhara shared the url of the stream of SLF and invited other radio platforms to mirror it in their own infrastructures. Resource sharing: The gesture of Constant to make their BBB accessible to other individuals/organisations in need of a video conferencing tool but not able to run one themselves. These are some of the few business models that were explicitly exposed in the sites of projects for digital solidarity: dependent to public funds crowdfunded? volunteering donations; * the case of riseup: Suggested contribution * Individuals: We ask that individuals with email accounts or owners of lists give monthly or yearly. If you are broke, live in the global South, or live somewhere with a devalued currency, we don’t expect you to give. This means that those with money in the global North should contribute extra as an act of solidarity. If you are unsure how much to contribute, might we suggest $5-$15 a month? If you can do more, please do! * Groups: We rely on organizations with email accounts or lists to contribute. It is especially essential for organizations with big mailing lists to contribute, as such lists are costly for us to provide. As a rough guideline, we ask that organizations annually contribute at least 1% of their annual budget–this is a $100 a year donation for an organization with an annual budget of $10,000. If you have a big list with over a hundred subscribers or with high traffic and lots of archives, increase the suggested donation amount several fold. Please consider donating more if you can afford it. Any money left over after we have met our basic expenses gets folded back into providing service to more users. If you are making a large donation (thank you!), then please consider sending a check or money order through the mail–online payment systems take a cut of about 3%. * the case of LURK: * Big tech and an abusive misunderstanding of free and open source software practices have led us to believe that software production, server maintenance and on-line services should be free as in gratis. However there is no such things as a free lunch and software does not exist in a vacuum. * If we want sustainable alternatives and a diverse cultural sector, these alternatives and the humans behind them, need to be supported. If LURK is useful to you, and if you can afford it, please help us by donating. * You can support us through Liberapay, Patreon, Ko-Fi, PayPal (drop us an email for account info), or by international Bank Transfer (drop us an email for account info). * Donate 💗 - We (@nwspk) are a tiny tech-for-good organisation in the UK. Please donate so we can stay focused on improving the handbook. You can also donate directly, sign up for coil or contact us about grants. * You can support our work by becoming a monthly sustainer or providing a one-time donation. Sustainers select a monthly donation amount that is automatically contributed each month. * the case of Mastodon: * No hay publicidad, monetización o inversores. Tus donaciones soportan directamente el desarrollo a tiempo completo del proyecto * sponsors: https://joinmastodon.org/sponsors * with Mastodon it's also interesting how people are paid: https://opencollective.com/mastodon you can ask for an expense for a service you do (eg translation work) and if it gets approved you are paid for it: https://opencollective.com/mastodon/expenses * From Anarchaserver: opaque /// but, some oblique info about calafou: The assembly is the main decision-making body in Calafou. It is held weekly, and it is the space where information and proposals are shared for day-to-day management and more in-depth debates that require several sessions. Decisions are taken by consensus. There are management areas made up of smaller groups in charge of carrying out specific permanent objectives and with a certain amount of decision-making autonomy: •Economics and Law: manages the financial movements that make the project, is responsible for generating the documentation of transactions and ensures transparency of economic management of the colony. It evaluates the financial needs, computes the income, expenses and presents reports. * From Calibre / Kovid Goyal on Patreon : "I am the principal developer and ongoing maintainer of calibre. calibre exists to free e-books from walled gardens and allow readers to once again own and manage their own book collections. calibre is open source and the product of volunteers from all over the world. I have personally been working full time on calibre for over a decade and your support helps keep calibre alive -- an independent solution for ebooks beholden to no corporation and made by readers for readers." * From Godot: also Patreon * the case of Enspiral Network (New Zealand foundation behind Loomio) * https://www.vice.com/en/article/ava37e/figuring-out-the-freelance-economy-v23n6 * "Today, Enspiral serves as a financially lean, but anecdotally essential, connective fiber among these independent workers and small companies. Enspiral members still pass jobs around to help stabilize the ups and downs of freelancing, but now they also fund one another's business experiments and assist one another if things go sour. They hold retreats twice a year. They're relying less on the Robin Hood strategy of taking corporate contracts to pay for volunteer time by creating their own jobs and companies with do-gooding built in. Enspiral-affiliated ventures, for instance, include ActionStation, an online organizing tool; Scoop, an alternative-news source; and Chalkle, an education platform." * Not wanting to stay with the "Robin Hood" (FLOSS?) model, of taking contracts with big companies and do jobs that you want to do in your free time. * Software they developed: * Loomio: https://www.loomio.org/ (service) * NOTE: interestingly enough, the software they developed is not free software * They documented how they work with money: https://handbook.enspiral.com/money * Cryptpad: "CryptPad has been supported since 2016 by French and European research grants such as BPI France, NLNet Foundation, NGI Trust, Mozilla Open Source Support, as well as donations and subscriptions to cryptpad.fr. We believe that public money should fund public code, so the service is fully open source. This means anyone can use, host, and modify the software." + "CryptPad is made at XWiki, a company based in Paris, France that has been making open-source software for over 15 years." * Meet-Coop: "Meet.coop is a multi-stakeholder cooperative with two types of Members: Our Operational Members work in specific roles within three sociocratic circles, to deliver reliable video conferencing services to our User Members." These are distribution/collaboration models: [federated networks as a whole different kind of network, where groups cluster, relations between clusters can be opened or cut off.... creating a space for negotiation how the network operates] federation/federated networks fedeproxy "Service portability is achieved because federated forges continuously maintain identical copies of the software project although they are operated by independent actors and running different servers and user interfaces." [connects to an ongoing conversation around "bridging" within Varia, in relation to the making process of our "narrowcast" infrastructure: https://stream.vvvvvvaria.org/] "Removing federated media attachments RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/tootctl media remove" From Lurk's wiki: "A feminist server ... Is a situated technology. Her sense of context results from a federation of competences;" Via anarchaserver: "Fédération FDN, France: Federation of DIY Internet providers" Via anarchaserver: We found these operated as ghosts of other technopolitical arrangements, still latent but no longer active: (services which died) (attitudes that applied in the past but now feel out of joint?, e.g. cyberpunk, cyberfeminism, forking it all, low cost travelling to keep networks alive, ...)(this connects to genealogies too)+1! This is an ongoing collection of formulations that refer to "alternative" software: - non-extractive software (pad) - free software (pad) - privacy-conscious () - ethical () - "everyday" software ( via ) - Tools For Developers 💻 / Tools For Everyone 😷 / Tools For Parents & Guardians 🚸 / Tools For Vulnerable People (😓 and those supporting them) / Tools For Remote Workers 📞 / Tools For Sick People 🤒 / Tools For Mourners 🕯 / etc etc () - Consentful technologies "Consentful technologies are digital applications and spaces that are built with consent at their core, and that support the self-determination of people who use and are affected by these technologies." Permacomputing, appropriate technology, low tech, small tech https://post.lurk.org/@l03s/105713332161647316 - Safe Network "Freedom of expression, control of personal data, private and secure communications; and a whole new economy. Welcome to the Safe Network." [but also: "We're Building The New Internet" ....... ] - Federation/federated - A co-operative alternative 🥳 - Digital discomfort --- Statements, snippets, sharp quotes, good jokes Framatalk statement (video chat service hosted by Framasoft) - https://framatalk.org/accueil/en/ 16 Mars 2020 : Framatalk est en surcharge d'utilisation Nous demandons aux personnes relevant de l'éducation nationale (profs, élèves, personnel administratif) de ne pas utiliser nos services durant le confinement et de demander conseil à leurs référent·es. Nous savons que le ministère de l'éducation nationale a les moyens, les compétences et la visibilité pour créer les services en ligne nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement durant un confinement. Notre association loi 1901 ne peut pas compenser le manque de préparation et de volonté du ministère. Merci de réserver nos services aux personnes qui n'ont pas les moyens informatiques d'une institution nationale (individus, associations, petites entreprises et coopératives, collectifs, familles, etc.). Le formulaire ci-dessous vous permettra de créer un salon chez un hébergeur éthique aléatoire en qui nous avons confiance. March 16, 2020: Framatalk is in overload of use We ask the people in charge of national education (teachers, students, administrative staff) not to use our services during containment and to ask their referents for advice. We are aware that the Ministry of Education has the means, skills and visibility to create the online services necessary for its proper functioning during a containment. Our association law 1901 cannot compensate for the lack of preparation and willingness of the Ministry. Thank you for reserving our services to people who do not have the IT means of a national institution (individuals, associations, small businesses and cooperatives, collectives, families, etc.). The form below will allow you to create a room at a random ethical host we trust. A trans*feminist infrastructure implies... - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DvC21LSXgAIMPtl.jpg --- Q's & multiple A's * What to say when somebody wants to use Zoom or Skype or Microsoft Teams for a video call? -- data extractivism! -- spying tools! ("if zoom is not the primary window on your screen for more than 30sec, the administrator of the session gets a notification") -- stocks! -- side story: "Working from Home? Zoom tells your boss if you're not paying attention" - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qjdnmm/working-from-home-zoom-tells-your-boss-if-youre-not-paying-attention + https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/what-you-should-know-about-online-tools-during-covid-19-crisis -- Because Big Tech is already making enough money from the pandemic - https://reporterre.net/Pour-Amazon-le-coronavirus-est-une-affaire-tres-profitable -- Because these tools are made for managing employees. They do not have a culture of activism, art or education built in. -- Because Zoom iOS App is sending info to Facebook, even if the user has no Facebook account https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/k7e599/zoom-ios-app-sends-data-to-facebook-even-if-you-dont-have-a-facebook-account update: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/z3b745/zoom-removes-code-that-sends-data-to-facebook -- because "if you're having a committee meeting via Zoom and you use the chat function to privately write to someone, your colleagues may not see it in real time, but it shows up when the chat is downloaded and put in the minutes folder"... https://twitter.com/HJHaldanePhD/status/1244302917206708233 -- because Zoom is not taking measures to protect its users against harrassment: Citizen Lab report: https://citizenlab.ca/2020/04/move-fast-roll-your-own-crypto-a-quick-look-at-the-confidentiality-of-zoom-meetings/ -- because Zoom has serious privacy issues https://theintercept.com/2020/04/03/zooms-encryption-is-not-suited-for-secrets-and-has-surprising-links-to-china-researchers-discover/ + https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/apr/02/zoom-technology-security-coronavirus-video-conferencing, https://citizenlab.ca/2020/04/move-fast-roll-your-own-crypto-a-quick-look-at-the-confidentiality-of-zoom-meetings/ -- Janet Napolitano on Zoom's board of directors, https://twitter.com/LaurenKGurley/status/1324121347182620672 * What to say when colleagues propose to work with software that is not maintained by the university or school, but is a free service hosted by someone else? How to rely on someone else's infrastructure as an educational institution, without engaging with that infrastructure? -- what data is captured? -- by whom and for whom is the tool made? with what ideology? (is this important? or is pragmatism more important these days?) (how to still project in the future, while remaining pragmatic?) -- how to support upstream? For example, from whereby.com's vision page: Flexible working allows employees to choose the location they want to work from (and often also what time they work). Whether it’s a home office, a coworking space, library or an airport - each individual knows best what works for them, and how they do their best work. Or the statement Framasoft wrote on the 16th of March 2020, see line 245. --- v _____ v _____ _ _ v _____ v ____ ____ _ ____ \| ___"|/ |_ " _| |'| |'| \| ___"|/v | _"\ v v| _"\ vv /"\ v | _"\ | _|" V | | /| |_| |\ | _|" R \| |_) |/ \| |_) |/ \/ _ \/ /| | | | | |___ /| |\ v| A |v | |___ | _ < I | __/ / ___ \ v| |_| |\ |_____| v |_|v |_| |_| |_____| |_| \_\ |_| A/_/ \_\ |____/ v << >> _// \\_ // \\ << >> // \\_ ||>>_ \\ >> |||_ (_V_) (_A_)(_R_) (_I_)(_A_) ("_)(__) (__) (__) (_P_)(_A_)_D_) (__) (__) Welcome to the etherpad-lite instance hosted by Varia! You are most welcome to use it but please take note of the following things: VISIBILITY: - The pads are not indexed by search engines, but anyone that knows its URL is welcome to read and edit it. PRIVACY: - The contents of the pads are not encrypted, meaning that they are not private. - Anyone with access to the server has the possibility to see the content of your pads. RETENTION: - We make our own backups, meaning the the contents of all pads sit on our harddrives potentially indefinitely. - Because the identity of a pad author cannot be confirmed, we don't respond to pad retrieval requests. ACCESSIBILITY: - If you rely on the content of these pads, please remember to make your own backups. - The availability of the pads is subject to cosmic events, spilled drinks and personal energies. CODE OF CONDUCT: - Both the physical and digital spaces of Varia are subject to our Code of Conduct If you wish to publish a pad to the Varia etherdump add the magic word __ PUBLISH __ (remove the spaces between the word and __) to your pad. __PUBLISH__ [do we keep the etherpad intro?] it's so pretty - thanks VvvvvvvVVvvvVvVVvvaria :-D !!!hell yesss <3<3<3<3<3 ["Dancing Font" was used to make the ASCII headers http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Dancing%20Font&t=Digital%0ASolidarity%0ANetworks, many thanks to Patrick Gillespie for making this wonderful ASCII text generator!]