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  • In this workshop, Kit draws on their research in software engineering education and experience in technical pedagogy to host a space to share experiences of how we navigate programming knowledge. They ask: What are the challenges to effective technical learning or teaching? How can we overcome those barriers, both pedagogically and practically?

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    Let's write some code documentation! For your new coding project, for the cryptic library you downloaded recently, for a script that you want to share with others! Enter the documentation sessions. Two hours where to sit with source code and write something about it.

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    This event launch will start with a performative reading and activation of the online platform 'Performing Patents Otherwise'. It will follow with a series of conversations on its making process, from the data collection and curation to how the interface facilitates access to these datasets while encouraging critical interpretation and discussions. We will also showcase the short video documentation of "I, Martha Gowans," a performance for two sewing machines, a voice and a computer based on a clothing patent filed by Martha Gowans in Dundee in 1903.

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    A Traversal Network of Feminist Servers (ATNOFS) is a collaborative project formed around intersectional, feminist, ecological servers whose communities travelled between each other in 2022 to share and extend their knowledges through live gatherings. From these six sessions, a publication gathering resulting materials, thoughts and reflections was made.

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    Made by the Varia BroadCats team (aka Broadcats ˚ᆺ˚) Narrowcast publication is a manual that records the history and genealogy of the streaming space of Varia called Narrowcast from around 2020 until 2023.

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    On March 8th join us in dreaming and dancing in the ruins of Big Tech! On this day, we will be having conversations on how to minimize our use of cloud-based applications, discussions on the implications of the cloud regime, reading, streaming, broadcasting, sharing food, and dreaming up alternative methods of otherwise exuberant joyful survival, while connecting to other transnational striking networks.

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    Varia has been invited to work on the production of the 12th edition of this Peer-reviewed Newspaper, a publication series of research/PhD workshops investigating contemporary digital culture. The newspaper is made within a wiki-to-print environment and will be presented during the Transmediale festival on Thursday 2nd of February.

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    In 2021, Ania Molenda and Andrea Prins contacted us about a project they are doing called Beyond The Essay, where they are researching forms of online reading and writing with a specific focus on the essay in the field of architecture critique. Within the Beyond the Essay meetings, we proposed three scripts to engage with text in collective situations that respond to existing computational artefacts, namely tags (__MAGICWORDS__), indexing formats (x-dexing) and word2vec (word2complex).

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    This radio show presents a collection of audio pieces made by second-year students of the Willem de Kooning Academy Define Art major!

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    In this workshop we will explore ancestral cosmology through the figure of the clone in artificial voice technologies. The workshop will experiment with artistic approaches to future and past-oriented dialogues using voice avatars of ourselves and others, considering the implications of creating a clone that may speak to generations beyond our own lifetime and say things we have never said.

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    During a 3-day hands-on workshop we'll investigate license-free radio as a low-tech and low-power medium for keeping in touch with each other. We want to look at radio as a medium that you can participate in instead of consuming it. We'll explore the aspects of locality and community present in radio.

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    Technology and magic, two words that at first seem to clash with each other. However, they share some common ground. On December 16th at Varia become a technomancer and use your phone as a magic wand to explore our cyborg publication.

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